Friday, August 4, 2017

Finally in my happy place!!

After countless delays, lots of family issues and the feeling that I might never actually get here, I have finally arrived at the cottage.

I am really looking forward to spending a great deal of time here. I have a lot of things that I want to do while I am up here, such as working on my French course, doing some writing for both my blog and starting to work on the book that I have long wanted to write. We have only been here for a few days and I am not quite ready to get down to work because we are still sorting things out and getting comfortable, but I expect to be starting to work within the next few days.

The only downside is that my charming father is up here...and that is something that I am not thrilled about. Last night he was ok when he arrived, but after a few drinks, he became a complete and total bastard. This was something that really cast a pall on the evening and I know that my Mom really dreads his behaviour when he drinks. He just becomes an argumentative prick and makes the entire experience of being up here unpleasant.

As I write this, I am awaiting a delivery from Purolator with a replacement ignition switch for my Mom's Beetle. It has had a few electrical gremlins that occurred once we arrived up here and I am hoping that by replacing the ignition switch, it will cure these problems. I just hope that the replacement goes smoothly and isn't a major pain in the ass to do. I know that I am going to have to purchase a special socket at the hardware store to make the repair, but since I will only be using it once, I will likely just return it once I am done with it. It's stupid to have to buy a tool for one single repair, but when funds are so low, you have to do what you have to do.

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